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2019年6月英语四级听力50篇:48 Population Growth

时间:2019-05-30来源:华宇课件网英语四级考试栏目 作者:英语四级听力 点击:
2019年6月英语四级听力50篇汇总 英语四级听力50篇:48 Population Growth It is well-known that there has been a dr...


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  英语四级听力50篇48 Population Growth

  It is well-known that there has been a drastic increase in world population. But it is probably les well-known that the extinction rate of wildlife species is experiencing a parallel trend.

  Take the United States for instance. In 1990, U.S. population reached an unprecedented level of 250 million, which is approximately 250 times of that of 1800. On the other hand, wildlife species are disappearing from the country at an alamp3ing rate. By 1990, about 70 wildlife species would never be seen in U.S. We are fully justified in declaring that the explosive population growth has had an adverse effect on the survival of wildlife species and will be a constant threat to the wildlife resources if no immediate actions are taken.

  Nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world. It has been demolishing the environment we are living in.

  Useful words and expressions:

  1. drastic 激烈的

  2. parallel 平行的

  3. trend 倾向

  4. unprecedented 空前的

  5. magnitude 大小,数量

  6. alter 改变

  7. demolish 毁坏




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